

达琳·纽曼, 存执行董事, Head of Internal Technology Research and Innovation | February 8, 2023

I lead the Internal Technology Research and Innovation team (also called Ni2TRO) at 存, and we are focused on innovating and experimenting with new and emerging technologies that provide benefits internally to 存 and ultimately to our clients.

2022年下半年是科技的疯狂之旅. Technologies 如 the Metaverse took the corporate world by storm, 人工智能(AI)最终成为主流.

Here are my top five technology predictions that could shape our lives and businesses in 2023. 让我们看看这些技术接下来会把我们带向何方!


  1. 生成式人工智能成为我们日常生活的一部分
  2. 我的开始并不顺利. Many organizations struggle to understand how to create value from it, along with the numerous hurdles in taking models from prototype to production. 自从GPT-3推出以来, a Natural Language Generation (NLG) model created by OpenAI (also known as ChatGPT), AI has captured the public's imagination in a way no other technology has - overshadowing even the most popular social media sites.

    ChatGPT is a cool tool to create copy with simple prompts in a chat window, 但它背后的模型做了更多的事情. ChatGPT基于大型语言模型(LLM)。, which is an algorithm that makes predictions based on knowledge gathered from massive text datasets. 许多解决方案提供商致力于LLM解决方案, this will be the year that this technology crops up in the most popular day-to-day business applications, 如 团队.

  3. 低代码带来了新的转折
  4. Traditional low code tools (those built using a graphical interface with minimal written code) have been transforming the way IT departments engage with the business and allow them to have more control over their own efficiency needs. 先进的机器学习技术, 像NLG, the original concept of low code will take on an entirely new meaning and will forever change the software development landscape.

    NLG模型允许以更快的方式编写代码. Developers can evolve a solution based on initial input much faster than they would on their own, 从头开始. By leaving the low-level problems to the machine, developers can focus on the more complex ones.

    This evolution will also pave the way for a new breed of development tools providing solutions like “Code as a Service” (CaaS) for generic code generation, 或人工智能工具, 谁可以检查代码质量, 完整性, 安全, 任何漏洞, 除其他因素外. The future of development could be as simple as a developer describing their intention, 剩下的由人工智能/法学硕士技术来处理.

    This could allow developers to create applications that have never been seen before with remarkable speed and efficiency.

  5. 主流应用开始出现在Web3上
  6. Web3,这是什么? Even some of the most advanced technologists struggle to understand what it is. Any broad adoption of Web3 will be a foundational technology shift globally. Simply put, Web3 is the next generation of the digital ecosystem.

    今年, Web3 will begin to grow beyond non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and crypto, and consumer-based apps that are functionally clones of existing businesses, 但有一些基本的区块链组件. Imagine the Internet in the early days, it was simply a web version of the physical brand. 当原生应用被引入时, they became a simpler mobile version of a company’s web capabilities.

    These apps will carve out a market niche of users who want that same traditional core product offering but have some affinity for Web3, like many early internet companies (如 Audible as a web bookstore) or mobile companies (如 Sofi as a financial lender). They will differentiate largely on marketing and experience rather than on core product offering.

  7. nft看到了目标的转变
  8. 随着Web3生态系统的发展, the definition of NFTs will expand beyond just digital art for sale. Companies like Starbucks have begun to explore alternate uses to support their loyalty programs, 预计这将扩展到其他品牌. 不仅是实物, 比如衣服, 与数字同行建立联系, 真正有价值的东西, 包括抵押贷款, 契约及艺术品, 也会以NFT的形式被纪念吗.

    就在上周, 加州车管所, announced that it is creating a digital ledger of the entire state's car title database. Even our friends at Duke are issuing graduation certificates as an NFT.

    This shift in utility causes a critical review of NFT projects throughout 2023: those without purpose or value being relegated to an "NFT graveyard" while those with staying power, 比如汽车名称, 将增长.

  9. 虚拟世界的发展超越了游戏
  10. Despite the hype surrounding metaverse from industry vendors large and small, 一个完整的组织元环境还有待实现.

    当我们想到元世界的时候, they think of entering a virtual world to connect with those not in the room, but that is not where this digital universe will have its greatest impact.

    头戴式耳机将开始改进,变得更加“可穿戴”.” Once that happens, there will be a significant shift in adoption. 在那之前, 预计会看到更多以培训为中心的应用, 招聘, 零售购物. Hospitals are already implementing FDA approved virtual reality technology to assist surgeons in operations 如 extracting thin lead wires connecting pacemakers and mini defibrillators. 当耳机最终变成不起眼的眼镜, physically touching a keyboard may not even be necessary anymore!

    The potential of the industrial metaverse is immense and will shape interactions with the real world. Researchers forecast that by 2030 this metaverse could contribute additional $5 trillion to the global economy.

    今年 is full of possibilities when it comes to technology innovation, 虽然这些都很酷,很有未来感, organizations that leverage these technologies will have to ensure that they are safe, 安全, 信任和理解,看到现实世界的采用.


存执行董事, Head of Internal Technology Research and Innovation

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