

由存连线人员| 5分钟阅读| 2023年7月10日

它是 committed to fostering the next generation of technology talent, 积极与注重多样性的组织合作, 股本, 和包含(DE)&1)科学、技术、工程和数学(STEM).

存管连接 赶上 林恩主教, 存 Managing Director and Chief Information Officer and 菲尔·安德森,dcc执行董事iversity & 包容 and Corporate Social Responsibility to learn about 存’s academic partnerships and commitment to diverse recruiting and hiring efforts.


DC: 存 partners with several top universities to provide rich learning opportunities in resilience and cybersecurity as well as internships to research emerging technology. What are some of the unique, mutual benefits of this partnership model?

林恩主教林恩主教, 存董事总经理兼首席信息官

LB: 它是 纽约大学坦顿工程学院 扩大网络安全和弹性 research opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students within their Center for Cybersecurity. We are also working together to create enhanced IT Risk and Resiliency curricula that will help to equip the next generation of talent with the knowledge, 工具, 以及随着技术不断变革而取得成功的技能.

We offer undergraduate internships and graduate-level capstone research opportunities to students from Duke University’s 普拉特工程学院. Students work alongside IT leadership and gain exposure to new and emerging technologies. Students also learn firsthand how IT professionals incorporate research and experimentation to benefit 存, 客户和更广泛的行业.

直接与大学合作是一种互利的模式. 学生获得真实世界, 亲自动手的, 有数据和技术方面的实践经验, and firms like 存 benefit from the fresh perspective and diverse thinking that students bring, as well as the ability to explore and advance innovative ideas that will address the challenges faced by the broader industry.

DC: With the rapidly evolving technology landscape and students more connected than ever, 存如何继续吸引不同的技术人才?


PA: At 存, we work with organizations that focus on recruiting diverse talent, such as Tribaja, which focuses on building a technical community around people who are African American and Latinx, 以及早期以职业为中心的组织 Jopwell, which aggregates talent from a variety of schools across the country and helps students with training and skills development as they prepare to enter the workforce. 我们还和 Fairygodboss, an online community where we profile our senior women leaders and highlight our IT and STEM initiatives.

我们每年都参加会议, 比如美国拉丁裔专业人士vnsr威尼斯城官网登入(ALPFA), 招募早期职业和经验丰富的技术人才. vns6060威尼斯城官网 two and half years ago, 存 launched a work re-entry program, called Re-EMERGE. The program focuses on helping those who have been out of the workforce for two or more years to get back into the workplace. 通常, candidates are women who have stepped back to focus on child or elder care, 或者是因为健康问题. There is a wealth of experience and potential in these people re-entering the workforce.

DC: 存如何支持女性从事STEM职业?

PA: 我们已经和编程女孩组织合作五年多了. 该组织支持所有年龄段的妇女, beginning as young as middle school to get them interested in STEM and STEM career fields, 并教参与者如何编码——不需要经验. 这确实有助于激发兴奋感,让人们参与进来. 在过去的几年里, 甚至在大流行期间, 在项目期间,存有超过250名志愿者. That is a record number of volunteers for any one program in our organization.

在合伙的第二年, we realized that we needed to build a bridge for the young women in high school to eventually have an opportunity at 存. 我们能够做到这一点,通过提供全年沉浸, 课程重点是编程, 通过我们的员工驱动计划学习生活技能和财务知识, 冉冉升起的新星, 是什么让他们为我们的实习和更好的未来做好准备.

类似的, 存 launched a regional STEM education and training program in Chennai during the fall of 2019, 名为“编程与发展中的年轻女性”. 通过与当地一所大学的合作, 洛约拉- icam工程技术学院, we were able to identify 15 college-age women who are rising third (and final year) students, 给他们12周的时间, 亲身体验. The curriculum helped the students understand how coding and development translates into delivering innovative and resilient solutions for clients and the financial market. 四年后, we are now leveraging this school relationship to identify and hire technical talent for our newly launched early career program in Chennai.

Related: 存 CEO on how we're helping inspire the next generation of IT professionals

DC:您对存的学术合作有什么期待, 你能分享一些最近的成功案例吗?

LB: We are excited to offer the IT Risk and Resiliency curricula at NYU Tandon beginning in the fall. We will also start research projects with NYU students centered on artificial intelligence (AI) and the software development lifecycle and supply chain security.

The spring cohort of capstone students from Duke University recently completed their final presentations, having had the opportunity to advance important research on digital ledger technology, 量子计算和生成式人工智能. 今年夏天, another group of capstone students from Duke will begin working with use cases in data science, 可持续性, AI结对编程和nft. These use cases will be a catalyst for continued development work at 存.

它是 proud to continue providing students with real-world training and opportunities to do cutting-edge research with new and emerging technologies, 尤其是在技术领域持续快速发展的情况下.

DC:公司如何继续优先考虑多样性, 股本, 以及早期职业招聘的包容性, 尤其是在技术和工程领域?

PA: 公司应该有意识地保持联系. 和“编程女孩”这样的组织合作, the National Society of Black Engineers and the Grace Hopper conference can assist in building a pipeline for diverse talent, 因为这些组织正在推动多样性, 股本 and inclusion in fields that have historically lacked diversity. One of the most important things a firm can do is build bridges and create entry points for these individuals to join and continue to progress in their careers.

在存,我们非常致力于我们的DE&我的努力. We focus on casting the widest net for talent, because it does not only exist in certain pockets. 通过创造更多的渠道, and more opportunities for people to step forward; we’re able to recruit from a more diverse and deeper talent pool who possess a wider range of skills.

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